The Impact of Severe Weather on Roofing in Oklahoma City and How to Prepare

Estimated read time 3 min read

Oklahoma City, known for its volatile weather patterns, experiences severe weather events that can take a toll on residential roofs. Being prepared for such weather is crucial for homeowners to protect their properties. Here’s a list of the impact of severe weather on roofing oklahoma city and how to prepare for it:

  1. Heavy Rain and Flooding:
  • Impact: Heavy rain can lead to roof leaks, especially if the roof has damaged shingles or faulty flashing. Persistent rain and flooding can cause water pooling, leading to potential structural damage.
  • Preparation: Ensure proper drainage systems, including gutters and downspouts, are clear of debris. Regularly inspect and maintain the roof’s integrity to prevent leaks.
  1. Hailstorms:
  • Impact: Hail can cause extensive damage to roofing materials, including cracked or missing shingles, dents in metal roofs, and compromised granules on asphalt shingles.
  • Preparation: Consider impact-resistant roofing materials and regularly inspect the roof for hail damage after storms. Promptly address any damage to prevent further issues.
  1. High Winds:
  • Impact: Strong winds can lift or dislodge shingles, tiles, or roofing materials. Loose debris during windstorms can cause damage when blown onto the roof surface.
  • Preparation: Invest in high-quality roofing materials rated for wind resistance. Conduct regular roof inspections and secure loose materials before severe weather events.
  1. Tornadoes and Storm Surges:
  • Impact: Tornadoes and storm surges can cause catastrophic damage to roofs, including complete destruction. High-speed winds can tear roofs off and send debris flying.
  • Preparation: Consider installing a tornado-resistant roof, especially in tornado-prone areas. Follow local emergency guidelines and have a safe room or shelter available during severe weather.
  1. Snow and Ice Accumulation:
  • Impact: Accumulation of heavy snow or ice on the roof can lead to added weight and potential structural issues. Ice dams can cause water infiltration and roof leaks.
  • Preparation: Ensure proper attic insulation and ventilation to prevent ice dams. Use snow rakes to safely remove snow accumulation from the roof surface.
  1. Extreme Temperatures:
  • Impact: Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can cause roofing materials to expand and contract, leading to cracks and deterioration over time.
  • Preparation: Choose roofing materials designed for the region’s climate and perform regular inspections to identify and address any weather-related wear and tear.

roofing oklahoma city

  1. Lightning and Electrical Storms:
  • Impact: Lightning strikes can damage roofing materials and compromise the structural integrity of the roof.
  • Preparation: Consider installing lightning rods on the roof to divert lightning strikes safely. Inspect the roof for any damage after electrical storms.
  1. Regular Roof Inspections:
  • Regular roof inspections, performed by professional roofers, help identify potential weaknesses or damage that may lead to severe weather-related issues.
  • Schedule inspections at least twice a year and after severe weather events to address any problems promptly.
  1. Emergency Roof Repair Kit:
  • Prepare an emergency roof repair kit that includes tarps, sealants, and temporary patching materials. This kit can be useful in temporarily addressing damage until professional repairs can be made.
  1. Roof Insurance Coverage:
  • Review your homeowner’s insurance policy to ensure adequate coverage for severe weather-related damage. Understand the terms and conditions, deductibles, and coverage limits.


By understanding the impact of severe weather on roofing Oklahoma City and taking proactive measures to prepare, homeowners can protect their properties and ensure the safety and longevity of their roofs during adverse weather conditions.

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